Objective ELISPOT counting scientifically validated -中国五台山国际佛事中心
Objective ELISPOT counting scientifically validated
发布时间: : [2015-03-18] 点击: 2132 |
Immune monitoring proficiency panels have drawn much needed attention to major discrepancies in T cell assay results from different laboratories.
In the most rigorous published study of its kind to date, the size distributions of ELISPOTs for 414 recall responses, elicited by 34 individual antigens, using 172 healthy human donors, were analyzed.
The results showed invariably a Log Normal size distribution, implying that statistical methods permit accurate and objective ELISPOT counting.
A follow-up study involving nine independent laboratories verified that ELISPOT count harmonization can be accomplished using this statistics-based approach, which is embedded in the ImmunoSpot® software.
CTL continues striving to live up to its mission: Elevating ELISPOT to an Exact Science™.